Staying Green

CROWN CONNECT cares about conservation and the environment. We are reminded always of the multitude of magnificent species with whom we share a small, fragile planet and that we are all stewards – all of us have an obligation to learn, restore, and protect the only place we call home.

In 1993, one year after the historic Earth Summit in Rio, loggers, foresters, environmentalists and sociologists formed the Forestry Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Chain of Custody (COC) Certification program. Taking into account economic, social and environmental concerns, the FSC has set standards that represent the strongest system for guiding forest management toward sustainable outcomes.​

CROWN CONNECT is an FSC certified printer. FSC certification is important because it signifies that the paper used has come from a managed forest. These are forests specifically meant to be harvested for wood and paper products. By harvesting managed forests we eliminate the need to destroy natural ones. When you spot the FSC logo it means the project complies with the council’s standards. We hope you will notice the FSC logo at the bottom of this very page.​

And we’ve gone even further in our attempt to do our share in preserving the environment for future generations… we have lowered the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content in our clean-up solvents by 87.5% to greatly reduce emissions and fully comply with SCAQMD regulations.

We offer and encourage the use of soy-based inks and water-based aqueous coatings which are biodegradable. In many cases we provide electronic, digital proofing which reduces the use of additional paper and chemicals and even the fuel necessary to deliver a physical proof.

Finding New Green Printing Solutions

We recycle used ink, oil, solvents and metal plates. Years ago we eliminated the use of film and processing chemicals by implementing direct-to-plate technology. Our waste water is monitored regularly to assure that potential toxins would never reach the public water system.

As responsible users, we also properly recycle redundant computer parts, toner cartridges and have reduced electric consumption by retrofitting all of our old florescent lighting with new energy-efficient fixtures.

Committed to the most environmentally safe and sound practices, CROWN CONNECT continues to find ways to make a difference.​